How do I set up and scan the Answer Key(s) in ParScore?

You will learn how to set up and scan the Answer Key(s) in ParScore.

Follow these steps after you have created a Course and a Score Column within that course.

1. Prepare the Answer Key sheet.

Follow these sub-steps to prepare your Answer Key Scantron sheet.

Read this guide to learn about the recommended forms to use. The same form in this example is the recommended Form F-1712-PAR-L which is available at TitanShops.

Form F-1712-PAR-L scantron form

1.1. Bubble in the correct answers.

Using the same Scantron form as your students, bubble in the correct answers.

answers bubbled in

1.2. Mark the appropriate Test Form version.

In the Test Form area of the key, bubble in the appropriate letter for that key (“A” for the key to version A, “B” for the key for version B, and so on). You must key in a letter in the Test Form area of each key.

Test Form marked

1.3. Depress the tray on the Scanner.

Tray pressed down until it clicks and stays

1.4. Insert the Answer Key into the depressed tray.

The Answer Key must be face up in the tray. Align the Answer Key to the bottom and left of the tray.

Answer key added to the tray

1.5. Push the tray once more, so that it will pop back up.

Tray pushed once until it pops up

2. In ParScore, open the desired course by double-clicking on the title.

Intro to Space is selected

3. Click on the Keys tab.

Keys tab.

4. Remove any unneeded versions from the Version list.

By default, for each Score Column you add, four versions are created (Version A, B, C, D). This means that you will need to create and scan one Answer Key for each version of your test/quiz/exam. If you are giving four versions of the same test, you will need four different keys: one for version A, one for version B, one for version C and one for version D.

If you are only giving one version of your test (or less than four versions), be sure to remove the other versions from the Version list by selecting each version individually and clicking on the Remove button.

unneeded versions deleted

5. Select the Category and Version for the Answer Key you are about to scan.

In this example, Quiz 1 is selected in the Category field and A is selected in the Version field.

Quiz 1, Version A selected

6. Click on the Scan Keys button.

Scan Keys button

7. The Answer Key is scanned and the correct answers are recorded.

There will be a short wait while Scantron downloads the form definitions from the server to the scanner. Green lights on the scanner flash in sequence as the scan takes place.

The Answer Key is scanned and the correct answers are recorded.

8. When the scan is complete, press the End button.

End button on scanner

9. Press the End button on the scanner.

Press the End button on the scanner.

10. The Keys tab is now populated with the correct answers for Version A.

Keys tab shows answers

11. Set how the scanner should treat multiple marks on a student's answer sheet.

There are two choices.

And (e.g. A+B)

This choice will treat multiple marks for the same question as an incorrect choice.

Or (e.g. AB)

This choice will treat multiple marks for the same question as a multiple answer question - meaning that more than one answer should be chosen.

Note: You can set And (e.g. A+B) or Or (e.g. AB) on a question by question basis if your Answer Key has more than one answer choice marked as correct for a given question.

And (e.g. A+B) is selected

Article Summary

You have now learned how to set up and scan the Answer Key(s) in ParScore.