How do I create a new course in ParScore?
You will learn how to create a new course in ParScore.
Follow these steps after you have logged in to ParScore.
1. Click on New to create a new class.
After logging in to ParScore, the first thing you will see is the Course List window. Click the New button to create a new course.

2. Type information to identify your course.
In the Course Setup dialog box, type in the necessary information to identify your course. The only required fields are the Course ID (15 characters maximum) and the Course Title (20 characters maximum). Both of which can be anything you want. This information is only visible to you.
If you later want to run some reports and compare how different sections of a course do on the exam, then putting in useful information will help you in the long run.

3. When you are finished with the course information, click on OK.

4. Your new course now appears on the Course List.
You can always edit your course information by clicking on the course to select it, then click on the Edit button.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to create a new course in ParScore.