How do I add a Score Column to a course in ParScore?
You will learn how to add a Score Column to a course in ParScore.
Follow these steps after you have created a Course in ParScore.
1. On the Course List window, select the desired course by clicking on it.

2. Click on Open.
Or, double-click on the title of the course.

3. The Roster tab displays.
The Roster tab contains rows and columns that will hold student names and test scores once you have scanned the Scantron answer sheets.
4. Click the Add Score Column icon on the menu bar.
Before you scan any forms, you must add at least one Score column to your roster by clicking on the Add Score Column icon.

5. Click on a row to select a category for adding Score columns.
In this example, the Midt row has been selected for adding score columns.

6. Type the desired number into the "No.of Columns" column.
In this example, the number "1" has been typed into the Quiz row and in the Midt row.
You can add a maximum of 10 test categories and 99 score columns (including column subtotals).

7. Click on Add.
Other buttons in this dialog box:
Set Order...: This button will allow you to customize the order of the rows.
Edit Label: This button will allow you to change the name of any of the rows.
Close: This button will cancel adding a Score Column and return you to the Course List dialog.

8. The Roster tab now has two new columns.
Note: a number is automatically added to each column created in that category. So, below is shown "Quiz1" and "Midt1".

Article Summary
You have now learned how to add a Score Column to a course in ParScore.