How do I create a New Quizzes practice quiz for students to confirm their ability to use Proctorio?
You will learn the necessary elements to include in your New Quizzes quiz, so that your students can use it to verify that they can use Proctorio. This is a necessary step if you plan to use Proctorio for a Midterm or Final Exam, as you want to be sure that all of your students are properly prepared with the Proctorio extension and that their internet connection is compatible with a Proctorio proctored quiz.
Follow this guide after you have installed the Proctorio extension, added Proctorio to your course, and have created a New Quizzes quiz.
Make sure that your New Quizzes quiz has the following settings:
1. Select 0 points for the quiz.
Or, have points but tick the box to not count toward the course total.

2. Time Limit is ticked and minutes set.

3. Allow Multiple Attempts is ticked.
This will allow students to check their setup as many times as they need to.

4. Enable Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor box is ticked.

5. The access code will be set automatically by Proctorio.
Leave this code as is and do not give to your students.

6. Adjust your Proctorio Settings as desired.
Note that you cannot use the Clear Cache feature with New Quizzes.

Article Summary
You have now learned the settings you need in order to allow your students to verify their Proctorio setup on their computer in a New Quizzes quiz.