How do I upload a captions file to my video in my course?
You will learn how to upload a captions file to your video in your course in Canvas.
This guide is for when you already have a video uploaded and you now want to add captions. If you haven't yet uploaded the video, then you should follow this guide on how to upload a video (and captions at the same time). If you want to upload a video to Canvas Studio, follow this guide on how to upload captions to a video in Canvas Studio.
1. Go to the Page, Discussion or Assignment where your video is located.
In this guide, the video is located in a Discussion post.

2. Click on Edit.

3. Click on the video player.
Tip: It might not be so easy to click on the player so that the Video Options menu appears. It may take some practice.

4. Select Video Options.

5. Click on Select Language.

6. Select English.

7. Click on Choose caption file.

8. Navigate to your captions file.
Tip: You can upload only an SRT or VTT formatted captions file.

9. Click on Open.

10. Click on Done.

11. The CC button now displays in the player.

12. Click on Save.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to add a captions file to your video in your course.