How do I upload a video to my course in Canvas?
You will learn how to upload a video to your course in Canvas.
You can upload a video file to the FILES page of your course or you can upload it to any Rich Text Editor in any Page, Discussion, Quiz description or Assignment.
1. Navigate to the place in your course where you want to add the video.
In this guide, the video is going to be added to a Discussion.

2. Click on Edit.

3. Click on the Video icon in the menu bar.

4. Drag and Drop the video file from your computer into the file upload area.

5. Click on Submit.
Tip: If you have a captions or subtitle file to upload with the video, you can upload it now by clicking on the Add CC/Subtitles checkbox. You may have obtained a caption file for DSS, from YouTube, or from making it in Camtasia.

1. Click on the Add CC/Subtitles box.
Tip: SRT or VTT are the file types that are needed to add a subtitle or caption to your video. For example, if you have a student who needs captions, the Disability Support Services (DSS) office may provide a captions file for you. This file type is SRT (or VTT) and is appropriate for upload.

2. Click on the Select Language dropdown menu.

3. Select English.

4. Click on Choose caption file.

5. Navigate to the SRT or VTT caption or subtitle file and select it.

6. Click on Open.

7. Click on Submit.

8. The video player now appears in the editor.

9. Scroll down the page and click on Save & Publish.

10. The video is now available within the Discussion.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to upload a video to your course in Canvas, embedding it within the Rich Text Editor which can be in a Discussion, Page, Quiz description, or Assignment.
Follow these steps to upload a video to the FILES page of your course where you can then link to it within the Modules page or in any Rich Text Editor.
1. Click on Files in the course navigation menu.

2. Click on the + Folder button.
Tip: It is not essential to organize your videos or other files that you upload, but you may find it advantageous.

3. Type the name of the new folder.

4. Tick the checkmark.

5. Click on the name of the new folder.

6. Drag the video file to the file upload area.

7. Click on the name of the video file.

8. Click on the CC button.

9. Click on Upload subtitles.

10. Select English from the Choose a Language dropdown menu.

11. Click on Choose File.

12. Navigate to the SRT or VTT file.

13. Click on Open.

14. Click on Upload.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to upload a captions file (SRT or VTT) to a video in the FILES page of your course.