How do I create a Permalink for my students to view a video via the Library's AVON platform?
You will learn how to use a Permalink in your course in Canvas, so that students can use it to view the video which you have selected.
1. Click on the + icon within the Module where you want your link.
For this guide we are going to create an external URL. However, you can also put the link in a Page, a Discussion, or an Assignment.

2. Select External URL.

3. Paste the Permalink you got from the Librarian into the URL field.

4. Type a name for the Page Name field.

5. The link is now in your Module.

1. As a student, click on the link to the video.

2. If your pop up blocker blocks the new tab from opening, click on the link on the page.

3. Click on the link to the video.

4. Login with your usual CSUF credentials.

5. The video player should now display.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to use a Permalink from the Librarian to create a URL link for your students to view your video.