How do I get estimated wait times for Canvas phone and chat support?

You will learn how to get estimated wait times for Canvas phone and chat support and how to access the support links.

1. Open Canvas Help Menu.

From anywhere in Canvas click the "Help" menu item.

Help is highlighted

Click the "Wait Times for Canvas Support" link.

Wait Times for Canvas Support is highlighted

3. Click "Contact Support".

The Canvas Support Home page will open in a new tab with various support options. Click Item 4, "Contact Support" to access estimated wait times and support links.

  1. Canvas link allows searching of the canvas support center.
  2. CSUF Guides
  3. This section contains direct links to categorized guides.
  4. The Contact Support Button
Features of Canvas Support Home are Labeled

4. Confirm Support Request.

Click "Yes, Contact Support".

Yes option is highlighted

5. View Wait Times.

Estimated wait times for Canvas support are displayed under Chat and Phone.

Estimated wait times are highlighted

6. Select a Support Option.

You can decide how to contact canvas support depending on estimated wait times and what support options work best for your needs.

  1. The chat link opens a chat session with a Canvas support person. Canvas support can request screen shots or other documents through the web interface.
  2. The phone option is for receiving telephone support.
  3. The Email link opens a web form to submit a support request. Canvas support will respond via email.
  4. The community link leads to the canvas community website. The site includes guides from Canvas from Canvas Support, questions and answers for user questions, and a place to discuss ideas for system improvements.
Canvas Support Phone 855-302-7528 and support links are labeled

Article Summary

You have learned how to access estimated wait times and links for Canvas support.