How do I fix a Quiz which has zeros in the gradebook and is marked as Late?
Has every student in your course received the grade of 0 and been marked as Missing for a Quiz (or other assignment) in your course?
You will learn how to fix this in your current course where it has occurred, plus how to prevent this from occurring in a future course when you import your course content.
Why does this happen?
When you import your course content from a previous term, if you have published assignments (Quizzes, Discussions, Assignments) with due dates/until dates that are already passed, then this may happen because by default the Late Policy in your gradebook sees these assignments as missing submissions. It marks them as Missing and then applies the grade of 0.
Follow these steps to fix this situation.
1. Enter your course and click on Grades.
2. Note that some of the cells have Zeros and are marked as 'Missing'.
This indicates that the Late Policy is set to award a 0 for a late assignment.
3. Click on the Gear icon.
4. Deselect the checkbox in the Late Policies tab.
5. Click on the Grade Posting Policy tab.
6. Select Manually Post Grades.
7. Click on Apply Settings.
8. Hover over the title of the assignment until the three dots appear.
9. Select Set Default Grade.
10. Leave the grade box blank.
11. Tick the box to overwrite existing grades.
12. Click on Set Default Grade.
13. Click on OK.
14. Notice how the Zeros have now been removed. Repeat this process for each affected assignment.
15. Click on the individual cell.
16. Click on the Arrow.
17. Select None.
18. Click on the Right Arrow to toggle to the next student.
Tip: You can also use the assignment arrows to toggle to the next assignment if you have multiple assignments affected. For some courses simply using these arrow buttons might be the most time-efficient method of clearing out the zeros and the Missing assignment marker at the same time.
19. Repeat the process of each student.
20. Click on the title of the assignment.
21. Click on Edit.
22. Scroll down and change the Due, Available and Until dates to fit your current course.
23. Click on Save.
24. Click on Grades.
25. Click on the Gear icon.
26. Tick the box to automatically apply grades.
27. Click on the Grade Posting Policy.
28. Click on Automatically Post Grades.
29. Click on Apply Settings.
30. Your gradebook has now been cleaned up.
In order to prevent this situation from happening again, you will need to change one setting during the course copy process. Follow this guide on copying a course to learn how to shift or remove the due dates for your assignments, quizzes and discussions.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to fix your gradebook when an assignment is populated with zeros or marked as Missing. You have also learned how to prevent this situation from happening after the next time you copy your course content.