How do I start an iClicker session from a Canvas course?

You will learn how to start an iClicker session from your course in Canvas. First, however, you will need to have the desktop iClicker Cloud software launcher installed on your computer. You will also need to link this Canvas course to an iClicker course.

1. Login to your Canvas course.  

Canvas Dashboard

2. Click iClicker Sync on the Navigation menu.

iClicker Sync is selected

3. Click Launch iClicker Cloud.

Launch iClicker Cloud link is selected

4. Select a course by clicking on the course name.

course title is selected.

5. Click Start Class.

Start Class button selected

6. Click Yes, start attendance.

You get this message if you have attendance turned on (default setting).


Yes, start attendance button selected

7. Click on Start a poll or start a quiz.

Polling link is selected.

8. The desktop iClicker Cloud app will start.  

Article Summary

You have now learned how to start a session with iClicker Cloud from a classroom computer.