How do I add Turnitin to an Assignment?
You will learn how to add Turnitin (Turnitin Framework) to an Assignment in your course in Canvas.
Turnitin will display a colored flag based on a similarity report which Turnitin will generate. This colored flag will display in the SpeedGrader and in the Gradebook for instructors to view.
1. Click on Assignments.

2. Click on the + icon.

3. Click on More Options.

4. Type a name for the Assignment.

5. Type directions in the Rich Content Editor.

6. Type the number of points for this assignment.

7. Decide how to display the grade in the gradebook.

8. For Submission Type, select Online.

9. Tick the desired type of online option.
Turnitin works with Text Entry and File Uploads only.

10. Be sure to restrict the file type which students can upload.
Turnitin cannot perform a similarity report on all file types, so it is necessary to restrict the type of file which students can upload. The format is to include the extension, a comma, and then the next extension with no spaces, such as "doc,docx,pdf".

11. Once you tick either the Text Entry or the File Upload, this Plagiarism Review section will appear.

12. Select Turnitin for the type of Plagiarism Review.

13. Select the desired settings for Turnitin.

14. Click on Save & Publish.

15. When you click on SpeedGrader, you will see the colored flag with a percent sign.

Warning: Do not do any grading in the Feedback Studio, because it will not transfer to the Gradebook.

16. When you view the gradebook, you will see the colored flag there as well.

17. The student's view of the gradebook also shows the flag if you enable it.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to add a Turnitin plagiarism report to an Assignment in your course using the Turnitin Framework.