How do I set the Optional Settings in a Turnitin assignments?
You will learn how to adjust the Optional Settings for a Turnitin LTI assignment.
After you have created a Turnitin assignment in Canvas, follow these steps to utilize the Optional settings.
1. Click on the title link for your Turnitin assignment.
4. Decide whether to have the papers submitted to the repository.
Tip: If this is a draft of the paper, you may want to consider whether it is better to have the paper not be submitted to the repository, so that the report for the final will be unaffected. Or, if you want to see which changes a student made from the Draft to the Final, you may want both papers to be entered into the repository.
5.1. Allow submission of any file type
It is recommended to NOT check this box. If you check this box, then Turnitin may not be able to perform its main function which is checking for plagiarism.
5.2. Allow late submissions
Decide whether to allow students to submit past the due date.
5.3. Enable anonymous marking
Enabling anonymous marking means that you as the Teacher will not be able to see whose paper you are grading.
5.4. Enable Translated Matching
Enabling translated matching allows Turnitin to translate a paper, say from Spanish or German, into English and then compare the English paper to other English-language papers.
5.5. Enable grammar checking
Enabling grammar checking allows you and the student to see where some grammar issues may be identified according the ETS.
5.6. Attach a rubric
To learn about creating rubrics for your Turnitin assignments, read the Rubrics section for the Turnitin guides.
6. Compare against options
Choose which sources you want the student's paper to be compared with: Student paper repository, Current and archived web site content, and Periodicals, journals and publications are selected by default.
Decide on when reports should be generated, whether students can view the report, and which types of items should be excluded from the report.
7.1. Choose when to generate the report.
- Generate reports immediately (students cannot resubmit) is the default selection. This option creates the Similarity Report immediately upon the student's submission, and does not allow the student to resubmit.
- Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until the due date) option allows the student to resubmit. The Similarity Report is generated immediately for the initial submission. Students may resubmit until the due date but subsequent submissions may not be immediate. Only the latest Report is available for students and faculty. Previous versions are removed once the student resubmits. This option can be useful if used in conjunction with allowing students to view the Similarity Report. Please NOTE: No Late Submissions (past DUE DATE) are allowed with this option.
- Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date). This choice allows students to resubmit but only creates an Similarity Report on the Due Date. Please NOTE: No Late Submissions (past DUE DATE) are allowed with this option.
7.2. Select whether to allow students to view the report.
Enabling students to view the similarity report benefits them if you are allowing a rewrite. They can see where their quotes are too long or whether they have copied text from another source.
7.3. Decide whether to exclude some types of content.
Excluding the bibliography, quotes, and small matches will reduce the score on the similarity report.
8. Additional settings
Checking the box will save your current options as your new default.
9. Click on the Submit button.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to use the Optional settings within a Turnitin LTI assignment.