How do I link to a ShareStream video using the External tool?

You will learn how to link to a video in ShareStream using the External tool.

1. Enter your course.

course main page

2. Click on the + button.

+ button selected

3. Click on the dropdown menu.

dropdown menu selected

4. Select External Tool.

External Tool selected.

5. Select ShareStream Media Tools.

Tip: You may need to expand the size of the menu box, so that you can scroll down to view each type of External Tool.

ShareStream Media Tools is selected

6. Click on the desired video.

If you have not copied your videos to this course or you have not uploaded any videos, you will not have any videos display here. You can, however, upload a video at this stage if desired by clicking on the Upload button that will display.

desired video selected

7. Click on Add.

Add button selected

8. Click on Add Item.

Add Item button selected

9. Click on the Publish button.

Publish button selected
link to video selected

11. Click on the Play button to verify that the video works.

Tip: It is always a good idea to verify links, videos, and other course activities.

Play button selected

12. The video plays.

video plays

Article Summary

You have now learned how to use the External tool in your course to link to a ShareStream video.