How do I view the ShareStream Pick-n-Play?

You will learn how to view the ShareStream Pick-n-Play (also called ShareStream Course Media) where you can upload your video to ShareStream, view other videos you have in that course, copy videos from another course (using the Copy Wizard), create sub-folders within the course, move individual videos to other folders, and delete videos. You can also import videos from Zoom Cloud, initiate and record Zoom videos, and upload videos from your computer.

1. Enter your course.

course main page

Read this guide to learn how to add the ShareStream Course Media navigation item.

ShareStream Course Media link

3. The contents of the Pick-n-Play display.

If your Pick-n-Play has no videos in it, it will look like this.
Pick-n-Play with no videos.

Article Summary

You have now learned how to view the ShareStream Pick-n-Play.