How do I fix an "Invalid test version" error?

You will learn how to fix an "Invalid test version" error in ParScore. You will also learn how to prevent future errors of this type.

You may encounter the "invalid test version" error while scanning Scantron answer forms. The scanning process will pause when it encounters this type of error. By default, when you add a Score Column to your class, four test versions are created automatically (Version A, Version B, Version C, and Version D).

The following message dialog box will appear on the screen.

Invalid test version error message.
How do I fix this error?

Follow these steps to fix this type of error.

1. Click on Edit.

Edit button

2. Type the letter of the test version you are currently scanning.

Remember, when you add Score Column to your class, four test versions are created automatically (Version A, Version B, Version C, and Version D).

Version field selected
How do I prevent this error from re-occurring?

When you add a Score Column to your class, four test versions are created automatically (Version A, Version B, Version C, and Version D). If you are only using two versions of your exam, for example, (Version A and Version B), then you should take these steps to remove any unneeded versions.

1. After you have added a new Score Column, click on the Keys tab.

Keys tab

2. Remove any unneeded versions from the Version list.

If you are only giving one version of your test (or less than four versions), be sure to remove the other versions from the Version list by selecting each version individually and clicking on the Remove button.

Remove button

Article Summary

You have now learned how to fix the "invalid test version" error in ParScore.