How do I create a Score Distribution Report?
You will learn how to create a Score Distribution Report in ParScore.
The Score Distribution report shows the average or "mean" score, the standard deviation from that average, and the highest and lowest scores. In this report, the relationship of percentages to points is illustrated, which is helpful when deciding percentage cut-offs to use for grade criteria. You can create a "Percentile" report or a "Histogram" report.
After you have finished scanning all student answer sheets, follow these steps to create a Score Distribution Report.
1. From the main menu choose Reports, then scroll down to Score Distribution Report.

2. In the pop-up window, type a Report Heading name (optional).

3. Choose whether you want to run a "Percentile Report" or a "Histogram Report"

1. Click the Preview button to display the report on the screen.

2. The Score Distribution Report displays.

3. Click on the Print button when you are ready to print out the report.
The report will be printed on the currently selected printer.

1. Click on the Print button.
The report will be printed on the default currently selected printer.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to create a Score Distribution Report within ParScore.