How do I create a Roster Report?
You will learn how to create a Roster Report in ParScore. The Roster report lists all students in alphabetical order, with all grades (from Scantron graded tests) listed on the roster. It is from this report that individual student grades can be obtained.
After you have finished scanning all student answer sheets, follow these steps to create a Roster report.
1. From the main menu choose Reports, then scroll down to Roster Report.

2. In the pop-up window type a Report Heading name (optional).

3. Choose a quiz under Category Selection or 'All Categories' for a comprehensive report.

1. Click on Preview.

2. The Roster report displays.

3. Click on the Print button if you are ready to print out the report.
The report will be printed by the currently selected printer.

1. Click on Print to print the report on the default (or currently selected) printer.

Don't forget to properly "Close" your course and "Exit" the program when finished.
Failure to close the course properly or to click on the "X" to exit the program will result in your account being locked out and you will not be able to log in again.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to create a Roster report within ParScore.