Where Do Students Go to Access SOQs?

In this guide, you will learn how to access and complete the Student Opinion Questionnaire (SOQ). SOQs are anonymous and confidential surveys that all students have the ability to complete. Note that SOQs are optional, but highly encouraged to complete.

Info: There are many different methods on how students can access the SOQ link.

  1. Through the SOQ Dashboard
  2. By Email from CSUF SOQ <[email protected]>
  3. Through the Canvas pop-up announcement upon logging into Canvas
  4. Through your Canvas Dashboard and Canvas Account
  5. Through your courses on Canvas by clicking on "SOQ" on the Course Navigation Menu (where it displays Home, Announcements, Grades, Assignments, etc.)
  6. Through Announcements in one of your courses on Canvas

Tip: Try to go through Method #1 on how to access your SOQs. Method #1 will show you the entire list of SOQs that are open for all of your courses.

Note that Method #2 and #4 will also show you the entire list of SOQs that are open for all of your courses. Method #3, #5, and #6 will only show you the SOQ for the specific course you clicked on originally.

METHOD #1: View all of your SOQs on the CSUF SOQ Dashboard

Info: You may have to log in using your CSUF Portal information and perform the DUO Authentication.

CSUF SOQ Mainpage

Step 2: Click on any of the SOQs that are listed  as "Open" to fill out the survey.

Info: If an SOQ is listed as "Completed," then that means you have submitted the SOQ for that class and you won't be able to resubmit another SOQ survey.

Open and Completed SOQ Surveys

In the case of the image above, you will click on the SOQ that is listed as Open (#1). You will not be able to click on the SOQ that is listed as Completed (#2).

Tip: If you need additional assistance on how to fill out the SOQ, please view this link:

METHOD #2: Receive an email from CSUF SOQ<[email protected]>

The email you receive from CSUF SOQ should look something like this below:

SOQ Email

Info: Students will click on "Fill out your SOQs here" to fill out and submit the SOQ survey.

Step 2: You are now taken to the Cal State Fullerton SOQ list page for your courses

SOQ Homepage with list of courses
METHOD #3: Canvas Pop-Up Announcement

Info: When you log into Canvas during the SOQ time window, the pop-up announcement should display immediately. The pop-up announcement will continue to display every time you log in until you have completed all assigned SOQ surveys. Once you have completed all assigned SOQ surveys, then you will no longer receive the pop-up announcements.

Warning: The pop-up announcement sometimes might not show up. If that happens, please refer to the other methods on how to access your SOQs.

Step 1: Log into Canvas

Tip: You can use this link to get to your Canvas Dashboard:

CSUF Canvas Login

Step 2: You should see the pop-up announcement display regarding the remaining SOQs that you need to complete. Click on "View."


  1. You can click on "View" to access the SOQ for the specific course that you need to complete.
  2. You can also click on "Remind me Later" to be reminded again the next time you log into Canvas to complete the SOQs.
Canvas Dashboard with Pop-Up Message

Step 3: You will now see the list of SOQs that are open to fill out or completed for the current term

SOQ list of opened surveys in Canvas

Step 4: Click on one of the surveys that are listed as "Open" to access the SOQ survey for that particular instructor and course

Current evaluations are listed as "Open"


1, 2, 3.) Are listed as "Open" which means you can take the SOQ for that class.

4.) Is listed as "Completed" which means you already have completed the SOQ for that class and cannot fill out the SOQ for that class again.

METHOD #4: Canvas Account/Profile

Tip: You can use this link to get to your Canvas Dashboard:

CSUF Canvas Login

Step 1: Open up your Canvas Dashboard

Canvas Dashboard

Step 2: Click on "Account"

Tip: Your Canvas Account Settings will be found in the top left corner in your Canvas Dashboard. It will be found on the Global Navigation Menu (where it displays Dashboard, Courses, Calendar, Inbox, Studio, Help, etc.)

Account icon selected

Step 3: Click on "SOQ"

Info: You should see a short list of a few tabs to click on such as Notifications, Files, QR for Mobile Login, and Global Announcements. Be sure to click on the SOQ tab.

SOQ course navigation link selected

Step 4: You will now see the list of SOQs that are open to fill out or completed for the current term

SOQ list of opened surveys in Canvas

Step 5: Click on one of the surveys that are listed as "Open" to access the SOQ survey for that particular instructor and course

Click on the SOQs that are listed as "Open"


1, 3, 4.) Are listed as "Open" which means you can take the SOQ for that class.

2.) Is listed as "Completed" which means you already have completed the SOQ for that class and cannot fill out the SOQ for that class again.

METHOD #5: Find the SOQ tab inside one of your courses on Canvas

Step 1: Enter your Canvas course

Inside one of your Canvas courses

Step 2: Click on the "SOQ"

Info: The SOQ tab should be located on the Course navigation Menu where it displays Home, Modules, Grades, Assignments, Announcements, Syllabus, etc.

Alert: If you do not see the SOQ tab in the course, that means that your instructor disabled it in that course. No need to panic, you may find the SOQ link by using the other methods.

SOQ link selected

Step 3: You will now see the list of SOQs that are open to fill out or completed for the current term

List of Current and Completed SOQ Evaluations in your Canvas course

Step 4: Click on one of the surveys that are listed as "Open" to access the SOQ survey for that particular instructor and course

click on remaining current evluations


1, 2, 3.) Are listed as "Open" which means you can take the SOQ for that class.

4.) Is listed as "Completed" which means you already have completed the SOQ for that class and cannot fill out the SOQ for that class again.

METHOD #6: Through Announcements in one of your courses on Canvas

Step 1: Enter your Canvas course

canvas course home page

Step 2: Click on "Announcements"

Info: The Announcements tab should be located on the Course Navigation Menu (where it displays Home, Modules, Assignments, Grades, Syllabus, Quizzes, Discussions etc.)

Alert: If you do not see the Announcements tab in the course, that means that your instructor disabled it in that course. No need to panic, you may find the SOQ link by using the other methods.

Announcements tab
announcements page on canvas

Tip: You may have to either click on:

  1. Fill out your SOQ here
  2. click here
SOQ for explorance blue demo is open
SOQs are now open

Step 5: You will now see the list of SOQs that are open to fill out or completed for the current term

List of Current and Completed SOQ Evaluations in your Canvas course

Step 6: Click on one of the surveys that are listed as "Open" to access the SOQ survey for that particular instructor and course

click on remaining current evluations


1, 2, 3.) Are listed as "Open" which means you can take the SOQ for that class.

4.) Is listed as "Completed" which means you already have completed the SOQ for that class and cannot fill out the SOQ for that class again.

Article Summary

You have now learned where you can access the SOQ suverys.

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