How Do I Access My SOQ Dashboard?
You will learn how to access your SOQ Dashboard to see the status of the SOQs for your courses. This tool is being implemented starting Summer 2024.
You may have noticed some new links within Canvas: the SOQ link within your course navigation, the SOQ link within your Profile, and the link within a new Announcement which may have recently appeared in your course.

Those links are for students to access their SOQs. Teachers access their SOQ Dashboard via the link in the email you receive from CSUF SOQ, like in this screenshot below.
1. Click on the link in the email from CSUF SOQ.
Or, click on this link to go to the main SOQ Dashboard.
Note the link at the bottom of the email to view your response rates.
2. Login to the CSUF Portal.

3. The SOQ Dashboard should display.

4. Some statistics you might notice for each course.
You can see how many students have been invited (this should equal the number of officially enrolled users in your course - as in Titan Online, not in Canvas), the number of students who have started the SOQ, the number who have finished, and the number who have opted out.

5. Once you start having multiple courses, you can filter the results.
This tool will become useful as you get more and more courses listed. If you want to see only your current courses, select the tickbox for "Live".
Note that students will not have the option to Opt out.

6. Click on Due Date to select how to sort your courses.
You can select to sort by Due date or by Subject Name.

7. You can also search for a specific course.
This tool will become useful as you get more and more courses listed. Type in part of the title of the course. Choices will appear below. Select the one you want.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to access your SOQ Dashboard and a little about some of its features.
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