How do I add a random set of questions from an Item Bank in New Quizzes?
You will learn how to utilize an Item Bank to bring in a select number of questions which are randomly drawn from that Item Bank. So, for example, if I have 30 questions in my Item Bank, but only want to use 10 in my quiz, I could use this process.
This will allow you to deliver a different set of questions in a different order to each student.
Alert: Stimulus questions cannot be used from an Item Bank. They and the associated questions must be in the quiz, not the Item Bank.
Follow these steps below after you have created your Item Bank with questions in it.
1. Enter you course and click on the + sign to add a new item to a module.

2. Use the dropdown to select Quiz.

3. Click on Create Quiz.

4. Leaving New Quizzes selected, type a name for your quiz.

5. Click on Add Item.

6. Click on the title of the quiz.

7. Adjust the points as desired.

8. Click on Build.

9. Click on Item Banks.

10. Click on the name of the desired item bank.
Tip: If your desired Item Bank does not appear, you may need to search for it, by selecting Shared with Me and searching by the name of the item bank.

11. Click on + All/Random.

12. Click on the X to close the Item Bank dialog.

13. Click on the title of the item bank.

14. Click on Randomly select questions.

15. Type the number of questions you want to draw.

16. Click on Done.

17. Be sure to Preview the quiz.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to randomly draw a specified number of questions from a New Quizzes Item Bank.