How do I hide student grades while I am grading that Assignment?
You will learn how to hide the grades for an Assignment as you are grading that Assignment. Students will see that the grades for that Assignment are hidden. Once you are ready for the students to see the grades, you can make them visible. This method uses manual grading.
1. Click on the Grades link.

2. Locate your Assignment.
Note that students have already submitted this assignment and it is now time to grade those submissions.

3. Hover and click on the Three dots menu.

4. Select Grade Posting Policy.

5. Tick Manually.

6. Click on Save.

7. Students will see that the Assignment is hidden.
This is the student view of the Grades showing that this assignment is marked as hidden.

8. Click on the title of the Assignment in Grades.

9. Click on SpeedGrader.

10. Click on View Rubric.
You can skip these steps if you are not using a Rubric with this Assignment.

11. Expand the view of the rubric.

12. Grade as needed and click on Save.

13. The Grade now shows as "Hidden".
Note: Because the Assignment is set for MANUAL grading, students will not receive a notification that this Assignment has been graded nor will they see the actual grade or graded rubric until you post the grades.

14. Return to the Grades, hover over the Assignment title, and click on the three dots menu.
Follow these steps when you are ready to allow students to view their grade and to receive notifications from this Assignment.
Tip: The red dot indicates that that student's submission has been graded. In this example, one student submission has been graded, but the other has not.

15. Select Post Grades.

16. Select Graded
Tip: The only reason to select Graded is if you are not finished grading. Perhaps, you want to grade the late submissions after grading the ones that were submitted on-time. It's up to you.

17. Click on Post.
Note that you can see how many student grades are currently hidden (1).

Students will now be able to see their Assignment grade and will receive notifications from this Assignment (such as letting them know that it has been graded).
Article Summary
You have now learned how to use Manual grading to hide the Assignment grades until you are ready to display them.