How do I export a Classic Quiz?

You will learn how to export a Classic Quiz from your course in Canvas. It will be saved as a QTI zip file.

1. Enter your course and click on Settings in the Navigation menu.

Settings link

2. Click on Export Course Content.

Export Course Content link

3. Tick the Quiz radio button.

Since we are only exporting this one quiz, and not the entire course, the Quiz selection will export as a QTI zip file which could be used in another LMS or uploaded to a different course in Canvas.

Quiz radio button

4. Deselect All quizzes.

All Quizzes tick box

5. Select only the quiz you want.

"Quiz with manually added questions" is the name of this quiz.

'Quiz with manually added questions' tick box

6. Click on Create Export.

Create Export button
Click to view exports link
QTI export link

Article Summary

You have now learned how to export your Classic Quiz as a QTI zip file.