How do I add a VitalSource Course Materials link to my Canvas course?

You will learn how to add a Course Materials link to your Canvas Course menu. This link can be used by you and your students to access online textbooks through VitalSource.

Students can also access Course Materials through the campus portal "My Courses" block.

If your course uses the cross-list or "course merge" feature in Canvas, please do not add the Course Materials link to your Canvas course. Your students can access course materials through the campus portal links. Details are available at How to Access Portal Course Materials.

1. In your Canvas course, click the "Settings" button in the course menu.

Settings in the course menu is highlighted

2. Click the "Navigation" tab.

Navigation in the settings menu is highlighted

3. Drag "Course Materials" up into the visible portion of the course navigation.

An arrow indicates where to drag the Course Materials menu item.

4. Click the "Save" button.

The Save button is highlighted.

5. The Course Materials menu item has been added to the Canvas course navigation.

Course Materials in the Canvas course menu is highlighted

Article Summary

You have now learned how to add the Course Materials navigation item to your course which you and your students can use to access the VitalSource course content (textbook and other publisher content).