How do I create an H5P Interaction as an activity in a Page or Discussion?
You will learn how to create an H5P interaction in a Page (this also works for a Discussion or Quiz description) in your course in Canvas.
As a reminder, this method of inserting an H5P does not report student scores to the gradebook.
1. Log in to Canvas and navigate to your course from the Dashboard.

2. Click on the + icon to add content.

3. Select Page from the Add dropdown menu.

4. Type a title for the page.

5. Click on Add Item.

6. Click on the link to the Page you just created.

7. Click on Edit.

8. Click on the Apps menu item.

9. Click on View all.
This is only necessary if you have used this Apps menu item previously.

10. Select H5P.

11. Click on the Add Content button.
Tip: once you have created some interactions in H5P, you will see a list of them below and can even search for a desired interaction to add to any of your courses in Canvas.

12. Type "true" in the search field or scroll down the page to True/False Question.
For this guide, we are simply going to create a quick True/False Question interaction, but you can select to create any type that you want.

13. Click on True/False Question.

14. Type a title for the interaction.
For example, if the interaction is learning about Napoleon, then type a title relevant to that.

15. Type a statement.

16. Select either True or False as the correct answer.

17. Click on Save and Insert.

18. The H5P will load in the Rich Content Editor.
Don't forget to add any instructions your students may need.

19. Click on Save and Publish when you are finished.

If this is your first time using H5P, you have now activated your personal H5P account for Cal State Fullerton. H5P will now be synchronized with Canvas across your Cal State Fullerton Canvas courses and domain. If you encounter any difficulties, contact [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
20. When you click on the Page you just created, you always have the choice to edit the H5P interaction.

Additional resources
- Examples and Downloads ( - to see examples of each type of H5P interaction.
- Content author guide ( - to learn how to make each type of H5P interaction.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to create or add an H5P interaction to a Page in your course in Canvas.