Canvas Resource CenterBEGIN HEREFAQs for Using CanvasBadgesHow Do I Upload My Newly Created Badge to my Canvas Badges Account? [Step 3]

How Do I Upload My Newly Created Badge to my Canvas Badges Account? [Step 3]

Once you have created your new badge from Accredible's Badge Designer open-resource, you must now upload your badge into your Canvas Badges (Badgr) account. This guide will demonstrate on how you can upload your badges into your Canvas Badges account.

1. Log In to your Canvas Badges Account and go to the Issuers page

Use this link to log into your issuers page: Canvas Badges Issuers

Alert: If you have not created Canvas Badges account, then you must do that first. Please refer to this guide: How Do I Create a Canvas Badges Account?

issuers page

2. Click on "Create issuer"

create issuer

3. Fill out the "Create issuer" information section

Note: For the "Issuer name" you can do any of the following:

  • Individual issuer/Your name (e.g., Dr. John Appleseed)
  • Course (e.g., ACCT 101, Introduction to Canvas, etc.)
  • Department/Group/Organization (e.g., Faculty Development Center, Division of IT, etc.)
create issuer screen 1
create issuer screen 2
create issuer screen 3

4. Click on the blue "Create Issuer" button after filling out the information

create issuer button

5. You should now have an Issuer section created

personal issuers screen

6. Click on "View Issuer"

view issuer button

7. Click on "Create badge"

create badge button

8. Fill out the Create Badge General Info screen

Note: You will need to upload your designed badge in this section.

Enter the following on the Basic info Create Badge screen:

  1. Badge Name
  2. Badge Image
  3. Description (summarize what this Badge represents)
  4. Earning Criteria Description (what does the student need to do to earn this badge)
  5. Click on the blue "Create Badge" button after you fill out all of the required information
general info create badge screen
create badge screen 2

Tip: You mainly need to focus on the "Basic info" tab. You may add more information in the "Additional info" tab

additional info create badge screen

9. The badge is now created

badge details screen

10. Next Steps

The final step in this badges process is to add the badge to your Canvas course. Please see the guide below:

How do I add a badge to my Canvas course?