How do I duplicate (make a copy of) a New Quizzes quiz?
You will learn how to easily and quickly duplicate (make a copy of) your New Quizzes quiz. The Duplicate tool allows you to copy a New Quizzes quiz as many times as you want.
Some faculty prefer to duplicate a quiz, then update the duplicate. This gives them an opportunity to have multiple versions of the same quiz. Perhaps as a way to rotate questions or to update some questions for the next term or to make different versions of the same quiz for different groups within the course.
Note that this process is quite different for a Classic Quiz. Follow these steps only for a New Quizzes quiz.
1. Enter your course and navigate to the Quizzes page.

2. Locate the desired quiz and click on the Three Dots menu.
Tip: The Duplicate tool is only available on the Quizzes page. It is not available on the Modules page.

3. Select Duplicate.

4. Wait for the duplication to complete.

5. The duplicate has been created.

Note that you can create multiple copies without affecting the original.
However, keep in mind that if you are using Item Banks, that all of these quizzes use the same Item Banks, so if you change a question in one quiz, you are affecting all of these quizzes. It is advised to copy an Item Bank. Then, connect the copy to the duplicate quiz, then, use the copy to update or create new questions.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to duplicate a New Quizzes quiz.