Canvas Resource CenterBEGIN HEREFAQs for Using CanvasCalendarHow do I schedule appointments with students (Appointment Group)?

How do I schedule appointments with students (Appointment Group)?

You will learn how to add a group of time slots to your course calendar which will allow your students to sign up for an appointment with you.

1. Within your course, click on View Calendar.

course home page

2. Note that only this one course is selected to display.


3. Click on the + sign.

+ sign icon

4. Click on the Appointment Group tab.

Appointment Group tab

5. Type a title for the series of sign up appointments.

Name field selected

6. Select the Calendar icon and click on the date of the first meeting.

February 14 selected

7. Type the time range.

Note: Unlike most of the time parameters for Canvas, this Calendar uses a 24-hour clock.

Time Range

8. Add in the remaining dates and times.

additional time ranges added

9. Select the correct number of minutes for each appointment.

Divide into equal slots of field selected

10. Click on Go.

Go button

11. Notice that your timeslots are now segmented.

segmented time slots

12. Type a location.

In this example, a Zoom link is posted but as the meeting location.

Location field selected

13. Click on Select Calendars.

Select Calendars button

14. Tick the box for the correct calendar.

Course calendar selected

15. Click on Done.

Done button

16. Tick the box if you want to limit the number of students who can sign up.

Limit each time slot to field

17. Decide whether to tick the box to allow other students to see who signed up.

tickbox for allowing other students to view the sign up.

18. Types some details if desired and click on Publish.

Publish button

19. Your Calendar now displays your time slots.

Calendar showing time slots

Article Summary

You have now learned how to set up sign ups on your course calendar for your students to schedule appointments with you.