How do I create an iClicker Cloud account?

You will learn how to request an iClicker Cloud account.

If you are running iClicker from your own laptop please see how to download and install the iClicker Cloud software for Windows to download and install the software. All campus Smart Classrooms have iClicker software already installed locally. To run iClicker Cloud you MUST have an account.

1. Go to Click on Create an Account.

Create an Account button selected

2. Next, select "Instructor".

Instructor button selected

3. Enter the required information. Don't forget to type in your instructor remote ID. Click Create.

  1. Search for "California State University Fullerton and select it from the dropdown menu.
  2. Choose a discipline (optional).
  3. Fill out the name, email (must use CSUF email), and password fields.
  4. Type your instructor remote ID in the ID box (optional).
  5. Click "Create".
form fields

4. You should now be logged in to iClicker.

Note that the website is

iclicker page loads with you logged in.

Article Summary

You have now learned how to create an iClicker Cloud account.