What is iClicker?
iClicker is an audience response system that allows students to instantly respond to questions asked in class via a remote device or mobile device (such as a smart phone). Questions can be asked via a PowerPoint slide (inserted into the lecture) or on the fly. Cal State Fullerton has fully adopted the iClicker system on our campus to support student learning.
The iClicker system includes three parts:
The base, the instructor remote, and the student remote, a smart phone with the Reef app installed, or an account online at iclicker.com.
1. The base.
This unit receives all data sent by remotes on the same frequency. All smart classrooms on the main campus and on the Irvine campus are equipped with a base attached to the classroom computer. Though you may not see the base you may notice that the frequency for it is posted on a front wall or whiteboard in the classroom.

2. The instructor remote.
This device is used by the instructor to control the iClicker polling session, to advance PowerPoint slides, and as a laser pointer.

3. The student remote.
This device is used by students to submit voting/answer choices. It has a simple five-button A-E entry and alphanumeric entry in order to answer fill in the blank, yes/no, true/false, ranking, short answer (of up to 16 characters) and multiple choice responses.
Students can purchase this device at the CSUF bookstore. Faculty MUST put in an order for the device just like they do for a textbook.

4. Any smart phone can also be used as a voting device. Students will need to download the Reef app (on either Apple or Android).

5. iClicker Cloud.
Create an account directly on iClicker. All data are stored in the cloud (no need for USB stick or local storage of data.) Allow your students to use mobile app from iClicker to participate in polling/quizzing. . Students can participate using mobile devices, laptops, and iClicker remotes. iClicker Cloud is our most advanced classroom engagement solution.

Article Summary
You have now read a brief introduction to the iClicker system, an audience response system being used at CSU Fullerton. If you have an interest in using this system please contact the Faculty Development Center's Canvas Consultants for more information.