How do I check attendance after a Zoom meeting?
You will learn how to check attendance after you have a zoom meeting.
This report is available for all zoom meetings, recorded or not.
1. After logging in to the CSUF Portal, click on the search field and type "zoom".
2. Click on Web Meetings.
3. Click on the CSUF Zoom Sign In button.
4. Click on Reports.
5. Click on Usage.
6. Click the calendar icon to find the Zoom meeting for which you want to check attendance.
7. Click on the desired date.
8. Click on the Search button.
10. Click on Participants Source.
11. Click on the "number" under Participants Source.
12. The list of meeting participants displays.
The list will show the following information: name, last name, email, join time, leave time, duration (minutes) and whether the participants was a guest or not.
13. Names and last names are listed on the first column.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to check attendance after you have a zoom meeting and how to export the list.
You are done. Great job!