How do I embed a YouTube video in a Page?
You will learn how to embed a YouTube video in a Page. This technique will work for any Rich Content Editor in Canvas (Page, Discussion, Assignment, Quiz, etc.).
Follow these steps after you have already created a Page.
1. Enter your course.

2. Click on the Page you have already made.

3. Click on Edit.

4. In a new tab, go to the YouTube video you want to use.

5. Click on Share.

6. Click on Embed.

7. Tick the box to Enable privacy-enhanced mode.

8. Click on COPY.

9. Click on the Three Dot menu.
Tip: if the Embed icon is displayed on the screen, go ahead and click on it.

10. Select the Embed icon.

11. Paste the embed code.

12. Click on Submit.

13. Click on Save & Publish.

14. The Page now displays with the video.

Article Summary
You have now learned how you can embed a YouTube video within a Rich Content Editor, such as in a Page.