How do I perform a "Quick Submit" on behalf of my students?
You will learn how to perform a Quick Submit directly in, so that you can get similarity reports for one or more student essays/papers/submissions.
Follow these step in the case where you want to submit essays or papers to Turnitin but don't want to create an Assignment in your course in Canvas.
Follow these steps to learn how to reset your Turnitin password.
Note: In order to "reset" your password, you must have first used Turnitin in an Assignment in Canvas as an instructor.
Tip: The password reset process should not affect your Turnitin login via the Canvas LTI. So, the next time you create a Turnitin Assignment in your course, it should still recognize your user account.
1.1. Go to using your web browser.

1.2. Click on Login.

1.3. Click on the Click here link next to the Forgot your password? text.

1.4. Enter your CSUF email address and your last name.

1.5. Click on Next.

1.6. Wait for the email.

1.7. Click on the link in the email you received.

1.8. Type your desired password.

1.9. Click on Next.

1.10. Click on Log in button.

1.11. Type your username and password.

1.12. Click on Log in.

1.13. Use the dropdown to select a secret question.

1.14. Type the answer.

1.15. Click on submit button.

Follow this guide to activate Quick Submit.
Decide what type of upload you want to obtain a similarity report for:
Article Summary
You have now learned how to reset your password, login to and perform a Quick Submit to check the similarity report for your students.