Student: How do I take a Quiz on my iPad using Respondus LockDown Browser?

You will learn how to take a Quiz in your Canvas course which requires the Respondus LockDown Browser using your iPad.

I am taking a New Quizzes quiz.

1. Enter the App Store and download and install the "LockDown Browser".

Tip: Unlike the PC or Mac version of the LockDown Browser, the iPad version is not specific to any institution.

App Store showing LockDown Browser app

2. Tap on Open.

Open button

3. Exit the app.

Note: If you plan to take a Classic Quizzes quiz, then click on Continue. However, if you plan to take a New Quizzes quiz, then exit the app.

4. Use your regular web browser to enter your course and navigate to your New Quizzes quiz.

Note: If you have the Canvas Student app installed on your iPad, you will have the option at the top of the webpage to open that app. For this guide, we will continue to use the Safari app.

Canvas Dashboard
quiz link selected

6. Tap on 'Click to Launch Assessment'.

Click to Launch Assessment selected

7. Tap on Open.

This action will automatically open the LockDown Browser app and log out of Canvas in whatever web browser you are currently in.

Open button selected

8. Tap on Yes.

This action is lock you out of all of other apps on your iPad. It will last for the time it takes you to complete and submit the quiz or for 8 hours - whichever is shorter.

Yes button selected

9. Tap on Begin.

Note that you are now in the LockDown Browser.

Begin button

10. Take the quiz and tap on Submit when finished.

Submit button

11. Tap on Submit.

Submit button selected

12. Tap on Exit.

Exit button selected

The LockDown Browser will then release control of your iPad.

I am taking a Classic Quizzes quiz.

1. Enter the App Store and download and install the "LockDown Browser".

Tip: Unlike the PC or Mac version of the LockDown Browser, you don't need a CSUF-specific version of the LockDown Browser app.

App Store showing LockDown Browser app

2. Tap on Open.

Open button

3. Tap on Continue.

Note: If you plan to take a Classic Quizzes quiz, then click on Continue. However, if you plan to take a New Quizzes quiz, then exit the app. You must log into Canvas with a regular browser first. Then, switch over to the LockDown Browser when prompted.

Continue button

4. Tap on Setup.

Setup button

5. Type 'fullerton'.

Search field

6. Tap on 'California State University - Fullerton'.

'California State University - Fullerton'. selected

7. Login to the CSUF Portal.

CSUF Portal login

Note: If you have the Canvas Student app installed, then that app might open instead of your regular web browser.

Quiz link selected

9. Tap on Take the Quiz.

Take the Quiz button
Wait. I got an error.

Did you get this error message? If so, then you are trying to take a New Quizzes quiz, not a Classic Quizzes quiz. Close the LockDown Browser app and open Safari or another web browser on your iPad. Use the regular browser until you get to the Take this Quiz button. You will be prompted when to use the LockDown Browser.

Unable to open exam error

10. Tap on Yes.

Once you agree to this, you will no longer have access to any other iPad functions - no screenshots, no navigating away from this app, etc.

Yes button

11. Answer the quiz questions.

quiz in progress

12. Tap on Submit.

Submit button

13. You now have control of your iPad as the quiz is completed.

Quiz is finished

Article Summary

You have now learned how to take a Classic Quizzes quiz and a New Quizzes quiz on your iPad.