Student: How do I adjust the Canvas notifications to receive emails from my course?

You will learn how to adjust your Canvas notifications which can be sent by email and SMS text (if desired).

1. Click on the Account icon.

Account icon selected

2. Click on Notifications.

Notifications selected

3. Use the dropdown menu to select a specific course or keep settings at the site-level.

Tip: The default is set to make changes that affect all of your courses. However, you can use the dropdown to select a specific course. Then, the changes you make will only apply to that one course.

Notifications selected

4. Click on each icon to adjust when or if you will receive email notifications.

The following options are available:

(1) Notify immediately - This option will send you an email within 30 minutes of a change.
(2) Daily summary - This option will send you an email in the late afternoon/early evening each day there is a change.
(3) Weekly summary - This option will send you an email once a week if there are any changes.
(4) Notifications off - This option will send you no emails from Canvas.

It is recommended that you do not turn off all Canvas notifications; otherwise, how will your instructors and classmates/groupmates communicate with you? At the least, leave on Announcements, Assignment, Assignment Comments, grading updates, Discussions, Conversations, Appointments, and Group membership updates. However, it is advisable to start with all notifications turned on and over time make subtle changes as desired.

Calendar icon

5. If you want to add another email address or cell phone, click on Settings.

Settings link selected

6. Choose whether to add another email (1) or a cell phone (SMS text) (2).

+Email Address or + Contact Method selected

Article Summary

You have now learned how to adjust your Canvas notifications.