How do I link to a Kanopy video in my course?
You will learn how to link a Kanopy video in your course in Canvas.
1. Locate the desired video at
Note that you will see that you are in the Cal State Fullerton section of Kanopy.

Follow these steps to learn how to log in to the CSUF Library which allows entry to the CSUF section of Kanopy.
1.1. Click on the 'Visit the Fullerton Collection' button.

1.2. Click on the Log in to Fullerton button

1.3. Enter your standard CSUF username and password.
Note that the CSUF Library page opens. You can safely enter your CSUF username and password.

1.4. You are now logged in to the CSUF section of Kanopy.

2. Once you have found the video, click on Share.

3. Click on Copy Link.
Tip: You can either create an external link or embed the video directly in a Canvas Page.

4. Click on the + icon.

5. Use the dropdown menu to select External URL.

6. Paste the URL you got from Kanopy.

7. Type a title for the link.

8. Click on Add Item.

9. The link is now in your course.
Be sure to test the link.

Be sure to have your student log in to the CSUF Portal and Canvas, then try again. It may be necessary to clear the web browser history before re-logging in and trying the link again.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to post a link to a Kanopy video in your course in Canvas.