How do I create a graded LinkedIn Learning Assignment?
You will learn how to create a graded LinkedIn Learning Assignment in Canvas. In this process, you will learn how to embed a LinkedIn Learning video or Course into your Assignment in Canvas which will report to the gradebook when the designated video or Course has been viewed.
1. After entering your course, click the "Assignments" course menu item.

2. Click the "+ Assignment" button.

3. Type name and description for this Assignment.

4. Adjust the "Points" if desired.
Students receive full credit upon completion of the LinkedIn Course or Video.
If a student completed the LinkedIn Learning course in the past, they will not automatically receive a grade. A workaround is to have them send a screenshot of the green check marks from LinkedIn and then you can manually assign a grade. Details on entering grades in the gradebook are available at Canvas Gradebook Guide.

5. Select "Submission Type".
You will need to scroll down to find "Submission Type".

6. Select "External Tool".

7. Click "Find".

8. Resize the window if needed.
Drag the three lines at the bottom right of the window until you can see the second scroll bar.

9. Scroll down and click "LinkedIn Learning".

11. Tick the Courses box or the Videos box as desired.
Here you have a choice of Videos or Courses. If you want your students to only watch one video for this assignment, then tick the Videos box. On the other hand, if you want your students to watch a series of videos (known as a Course), then tick the Courses box.
In this example, we are ticking the Courses box.

Note: A single video can be used in an Assignment and it will report to the gradebook; however, the entire course will still be loaded into the Assignment, even though it is not required for students to watch the entire course.
13. Click "Confirm".

14. Click "Select".

15. Confirm the "Load This Tool In A New Tab" box is checked.
It is your choice as to whether to load the tool in a new tab. Loading the tool in a new tab will take the student to the actual LinkedIn website with all of the other LinkedIn content. This may be distracting for the student.

16. Adjust the Assign settings if desired.
Get details on Due, Available from, and Until Dates in the Canvas Assignment Dates Guide.

17. Click "Save & Publish".

18. Click the "Modules" course menu item.
The assignment has been added to the Canvas course. However, you can also add it to the Modules page if desired.

19. Click the "+" icon.

20. Click the assignment name and then on Add Item.

Note: Since this is an LTI (app external to Canvas), the Test Student account cannot be used to verify that this Assignment works correctly. You will need to use a separate Canvas user account to test it.
Alert! At this time, if you insert a LinkedIn Learning Course into an Assignment, Canvas might send you multiple student re-submission email notifications (perhaps 5 to 15 emails depending upon the length of the Course), so you may want to adjust your Canvas notifications.
21. The Assignment is now in the Module.

Student view of this Assignment.
Once the student has a green checkmark for each video in the series, the gradebook will update automatically without having to click on any buttons.

Student Grades are updated automatically upon completion.

Article Summary
You have now learned how to create a graded LinkedIn Learning assignment in Canvas which will report a completed Video or a completed Course to the gradebook.