How do I upload a video from my iPad or iPhone to Canvas Studio?

You will learn how to upload a video you took on your iPhone or iPad to your Canvas Studio account.

The easiest method is to install the Canvas Teacher app on your device. This app is available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices at their respective app stores.

This guide will show you how to upload a video using an iPad.

1. Tap on the Canvas Teacher icon.

Canvas Teacher app selected.

2. Tap on the hamburger icon.

hamburger icon

3. Tap on Studio.

Studio icon selected

4. Tap on Create.

Create button selected

5. Select Add Media.

Add Media selected

6. Tap on Browse Files.

Browse Files selected

7. Select Photo Library.

Photo Library selected

8. Select the desired video.

video file selected

9. Tap on Add.

Add button selected

10. Wait for the video to finish processing.

Processing message

11. Once the video has uploaded, it is available for embedding in a Discussion, Page or Assignment.

Canvas Studio page displayed with newly uploaded video

Article Summary

You have now learned how to upload a video you took on your iPad (or iPhone) and uploaded it to your Canvas Studio account for use in your course.