Canvas Resource CenterBEGIN HERECanvas StudioUsing your videos in teachingHow do I share a video in Canvas Studio in a Discussion post?

How do I share a video in Canvas Studio in a Discussion post?

You will learn how to embed a video from Canvas Studio into a Discussion description. You can follow this same process to embed a Studio video in a Page, a Quiz description, etc.

1. Enter your course.

course modules page

2. Click on the title of the discussion.

Discussion link selected

3. Click on EDIT.

Edit button selected

4. Click on the Apps icon.

Apps icon

5. Click on Canvas Studio.

Canvas Studio selected

6. Click on the desired video.

Tip: Canvas Studio can host videos as well as link to YouTube videos. The selected video is actually on YouTube;' whereas, the other video shown is directly uploaded to Studio.

The Secret Life of Bluebirds selected

7. Decide whether to allow comments.

Note: Since this video is going to be used in a Discussion, it is not necessary to have the Comments enabled.

All Comments slider

8. Click on Embed.

Video displays in Editor.

9. The video should display in the Editor.

Video displays in Editor

10. Click on Save & Publish.

Save & Publish button selected

Article Summary

You have now learned how to embed a Canvas Studio video in a Discussion.

Embedded video displays in Discussion