How do I request computer-generated captions for my video in Canvas Studio?

You will learn how to request computer-generated captions for your video which you have uploaded to Canvas Studio. This guide will also show you how to edit those captions before publishing them.

Tip: This step is only necessary until you set your Canvas Studio settings to automatically caption all new video uploads.

1. Locate on your video in Canvas Studio.

Video thumbnail displayed

2. Hover your mouse over the thumbnail and click on View.

Select button selected

3. Click on Captions tab.

Captions tab is selected

4. Click on Request.

Request button

5. Use the dropdown to select English as the language.

dropdown menu selected language

When the processing is finished, you can continue. You might receive an email if you have that setting enabled.

6. Use the Three Dots menu to select Review and Publish.

Review & Publish selected

7. Click in the field where the captions need to be edited.

Be sure that the captions make sense for someone with low hearing or a student with the sound turned off or in a room too loud to hear well. Captions are also great if the audio is unclear or the quality poor.

captions field selected to edit text

8. In the Caption Text field, type in the correct text.

Caption Text field

9. Click on Publish when finished editing.

Publish button selected

Article Summary

You have now learned how to request computer-generated captions for your video in Canvas Studio. To access the captions, click on the Captions icon in the video player.

Captions toggle