Canvas Resource CenterBEGIN HEREFAQs for Using CanvasQuizzesHow do I convert a Quiz (with questions) into a Quiz with a Question Bank?

How do I convert a Quiz (with questions) into a Quiz with a Question Bank?

You will learn how to convert your existing Classic Quiz with questions into a Classic Quiz with a question bank in your course in Canvas. This can have several benefits for you, namely with question banks you can have a greater pool of randomly drawn questions on specific subtopics. This can be a good way to keep like-topic questions grouped and easily deployed to a series of low-stakes knowledge checks, or multiple banks could be used for summative assessment.

Perhaps the easiest way to accomplish this conversion is to follow these steps:

Exporting the Quiz.

This process requires that you export your Quiz as a QTI zip, and then import that QTI as a Quiz with a new question bank.

1. Enter your course.

course modules page

2. Click on Settings.

Settings link in course navigation

3. Click on Export Existing Content.

Export Course Content link

4. Select the radio button for Quiz.

Quiz radio button selected

5. Deselect All Quizzes.

All Quizzes deselected

6. Tick only the box for the desired quiz.

desired quiz ticked

7. Click on Create Export.

Create Export button

8. Click on New Export.

New Export link

9. The Zip package should be in your Downloads folder.

Zip file is in the Downloads folder

For this example, in order to keep it as simple as possible, we will use a blank course to import the Quiz into, so that we can see exactly what is imported.

10. Enter the blank course (or go to the Home page for your current course).

Home link in course navigation

11. Click on Import Existing Content.

Import Existing Content button

12. Use the Dropdown menu to select QTI .zip file.

QTI .zip file selected

13. Click on Choose File.

Choose File button
zip file in Downloads folder

15. Use the Dropdown menu to select 'Create new question bank'.

Create new question bank selected

16. Type a new for the new question.

Tip: Use a name that will likely be the same as the quiz, like "Chapter 2", "Unit 1" or ""How birds achieve flight". If you intend to have multiple question banks for one quiz, make sure the the naming scheme will be easy for you to recognize when it comes time to update the quiz the following term.

Tip: If you want to convert your Classic Quiz to a New Quizzes quiz, then select the tickbox in order to "Import existing quizzes as New Quizzes.

name of new question bank

17. Click on Import.

Import button

18. Wait until the job is marked as Completed.

Completed notice
Quizzes link within course navigation

20. Click on the Three Dots Menu.

Note the imported Classic Quiz is listed below.

Three dots menu within the Quizzes page

21. Select Manage Question Banks.

Manage Question Banks selected

22. Here is your new question bank.

Tip: To edit your questions or add or remove them this bank, click on the title of the question bank.

Course Question Banks page

Article Summary

You have now learned how to convert a Classic Quiz (with no question bank) into a Classic Quiz with a Question Bank.