How do I import grades from Canvas into Titan Online?
You will learn how to submit your official grades from your Canvas course into Titan Online.
If you cross-listed a course section in canvas, this process only brings grades in for the parent (visible) course. Grades for the child course(s) will need to be brought into Titan Online manually. Please do not de-cross list merged sections of active courses, because this causes student work and grades to disappear.
1. Click "Settings" in the Canvas course.

2. Modify the course end date if necessary.
Making sure the end date has passed will ensure students can no longer alter or add submissions, quiz attempts, etc.
- Check the SIS ID to make sure you are working in the correct course.
- Participation should be set to "Course".
- If the end date has not passed, change it to a time in the past. This will put the course into a read-only state for students. Details on modifying the end date of a course are available in the Canvas Course Dates Guide.
- It is not necessary to check the "Restrict students..." boxes unless you intend to prevent students from viewing the course.

3. Click "Enable course grading scheme".
By default, Canvas does not display letter grades. Enabling course grading scheme will make letter grades visible to students.
4. Click "view grading scheme".

5. Decide if you want to use the default grading scheme.

6. To edit the grading scheme, click the pencil icon.
If you don't want to edit the grading scheme, skip to step 9 of this guide.

7. Modify the grading scheme.
- "Scheme Name" can be updated to change the name of the grading scheme.
- "insert here" can be clicked to create a new grade.
- The letters can be modified on the left side of the window.
- The numeric boundaries for grades can be modified in the center of the window.
- The "X" can be clicked to remove a grade.
A detailed guide on using grading schemes is available in the guide called How do I enable a grading scheme for a course?

8. Click "Save".

9. Click "Done".

10. Click "Update Course Details".

11. Click "Grades" in the course navigation.

12. Make sure no more changes to grades are expected for the course.
If a student has a grade override, the override grade will be passed to Titan Online. Otherwise the current grade in the "Total" column will be used.
Make sure the course end date (under settings) has passed. This will ensure sure students can no longer alter or add submissions, quiz attempts, etc. Details on the end date are available in step 2 of this guide.
13. Click on Faculty Homepage.

Make sure all Teachers or TAs are done entering or changing Canvas grades before going into Titan Online.
14. Click on Grade Roster.

15. Select a Class.
By default, one of your classes for the current term will be selected for grading. Click "Change Class" to enter grades for a different class or to change the term.

16. Scroll down below the grade roster and click "Import Grades from Canvas".
The imported grades will overwrite any existing grades listed on the roster.

Tip: Make sure you are in the correct Term and course selected. If not, click on the Change Term button to select the correct term. You will only be able to access this page when it is during the time period to enter grades.
17. If your course is ready, click "Import Grades".

18. If students were missing from Titan Online roster and you wish to proceed, click "Load".
"Student ID not Found in Grade Roster" indicates users are enrolled in the Canvas roster but not in the Titan Online roster.

19. Handling of Empty Canvas Grades
If a grade was not entered for a student in the Canvas gradebook, you will see an error message indicating there is an invalid grade and the CWID of the student whose grade is missing in Canvas. If you will add the grade in Titan Online manually, click Load. If you want to update Canvas and re-import the grades from Canvas, click Cancel.

20. Click "OK".

21. You can use the Roster Grade drop-down menu to manually add a missing grade or adjust an imported grade.
This step is necessary for grades of I, RP, and WU.

22. When you are finished making changes, click "Save" at the bottom of the screen.
Alert! Before you click on Save, verify that all of the grades in Titan Online are identical to the grades in Canvas.

23. Click "OK".

24. Change the Approval Status to "Approved".

25. Click "Save".

26. Click OK.
You will get a confirmation message that your grade roster was submitted. The grades will be posted to the students' Student Center typically by the following morning.

For more information on entering grades in Titan Online, view the Grading section of the Faculty Homepage/Faculty Center user guides.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to submit official grades from Canvas to Titan Online.