How do I enable Lucid for use in Canvas?
You will learn how to enable (connect) Lucid to your account in Canvas. Thus, allowing you to use Lucidspark or Lucidchart in any Rich Content Editor (Page, Discussion, Assignment). You can also use those tools as an External Tool Assignment which students can submit to you.
1. Enter one of your Canvas courses.

2. Click on Pages.
Tip: You can get this process started in one of several ways. For example, you can add an Assignment, add a Discussion, or add a Page.

3. Click on +Page.

4. Click on the Lucid icon.
Tip: Likewise, you can click on the Plug icon and then select Lucid from the list of external tools.

5. Click on Login.

6. Click on Microsoft.
Note: If you are not already logged into Microsoft Office 365, you will need to login and possibly login to the CSUF portal.

7. Click on Connect to Lucid.

8. Click on Continue.

9. Click on Grant Access.

10. Now you can create or add any Lucidspark or Lucidchart documents to your Page.

You have completed the process of enabling the connect between Canvas and Lucid. If you are not ready to create or add Lucidspark or Lucidchart documents to your course, you can simply not finish this Page creation. You can create documents at a later date.
Article Summary
You have now learned how to enable/connect Lucid for use in your Canvas course.