What are the workarounds for the known issues with LockDown Browser?

You will learn about some of the common issues encountered with Respondus LockDown Browser and how your can resolve or workarounds those issues.

Below are listed some possible issues you or your students might experience with using the Respondus LockDown Browser in your course in Canvas.

Unexpected Error when you try to enter the LockDown Dashboard

This error occurs when a Canvas Quiz has any unicode characters, like emojis 😫or other symbols in the title of the quiz.

LockDown Dashboard Error message

Do one of the following to correct this error:

  • Delete ALL special characters from the quiz name/title
  • If the quiz is imported or copied from another Canvas course and it has Unicode characters in the title/name, delete ALL the characters.

As a note, Unicode characters that are in the body of a quiz are not problematic. They don't have to be deleted.

Assistive Technology incompatibility

The LockDown Browser has some incompatibles with Kurzweil, JAWS, and Magic - commonly used assistive technologies.

If you have a student in your course who uses Kurzweil or another assistive technology, such as JAWS or Magic, then you will need to create two instances of a Quiz before any students take the quiz - one requiring the LockDown Browser and one assigned to any students needing to use assistive technology which does not require the LockDown Browser.

Note that you should only copy a Classic quiz one time within the same course or it will overwrite the copy. For a New Quizzes quiz, you can duplicate the quiz multiple times without overwriting the copy.

Fix It error in the LockDown Dashboard

If you make a change to your Canvas Quiz, such as changing the password or the title, you may see this Fix It error on the LockDown Browser. You can fix this issue simply by clicking on the Fix It button.

Fix It button
Students using an iPad

By default, students can use an iPad to take a LockDown Browser quiz. See this guide on using an iPad.

iPhones and Android phones will not work with the LockDown Browser.

After copying your course, students can take the quiz without using LockDown Browser

This process must be repeated every time you copy your course or import a quiz into a different course. Simply visiting the LockDown Dashboard will re-enable the quizzes for which the LockDown Browser has been set as a requirement. If you don't do this, then students can take the quiz using their regular web browser.

LockDown Dashboard with message
The LockDown Browser does NOT have "California State University, Fullerton" as a choice

If you are trying to take a Classic Quiz, you will be required to complete the CSUF Portal login, in order to navigate to your quiz and take it. If you are attending more then one university or college, you might have previously installed the LockDown Browser for that other school. You will need to download the LockDown Browser intended for California State University, Fullerton.


Utilize these resources learn about the Respondus LockDown Browser or open a service ticket if you have a problem.

Respondus Support website

Respondus Knowledgebase

The FDC's Canvas Consultants can meet or Zoom with faculty to assist in choosing the LockDown Browser settings, uses, and best practices.