How do I connect LibreTexts ADAPT to my course gradebook?

You will learn how to connect your Assignments in LibreTexts' ADAPT to your Assignments in your Canvas course. Scores from the ADAPT assignments will transfer to the Canvas gradebook.

1. Enter your course in Canvas and click on Assignments.

Assignments link

2. Click on +Assignments.

+Assignments button

3. Type an Assignment Name.

Assignment Name field

4. Set the number of points (1), the Assignment Group (2) and how to display the score (3).

Points, Assignment Group, and Display Grade as fields

5. For Submission Type, select External Tool.

External tool selected for Submission Type

6. click on Find.

Find button

7. Click on ADAPT.

ADAPT selected

8. Click on Select.

Select button

9. Be sure that 'Load This Tool In A New Tab' is selected.

This type of assignment must open in an new tab; otherwise, it likely will not work.

Tickbox for Load This Tool In A New Tab

10. Set the number of attempts as desired.

Submission Attempts field

11. Set your due dates as desired.

Due Dates fields

12. Click on Save & Publish.

Note: Clicking on Save or Save & Publish does not yet complete this process like it does for most External Tool based Assignments. You still need to match the Canvas Assignment with the ADAPT Assignment.

Save & Publish button

13. Click on the Load 'Saludos y despedias' in a new window button.

Load in a new window button

14. Select the title of the course from the dropdown menu.

Note: Once you connect this Canvas course to a particular ADAPT course, you cannot disconnect it, so if you make a mistake in connecting to a course or two an Assignment in the ADAPT, you will need to email LibreTexts to request a reset.

Course dropdown menu

15. Select the appropriate ADAPT Assignment.

Note: only assignments that you have not yet connected will appear in the list.

Saludos y despedias assignment selected
Link Assignment button

17. The Assignment will display.

Assignment questions display

This Assignment is now connected to the Canvas gradebook. The next step is to provide students with the Access Code.

NOTE: This process will need to be repeated for each Canvas Assignment you want to connect to an LibreTexts ADAPT assignment.

Article Summary

You have now learned how to link your Canvas Assignment with a LibreTexts ADAPT assignment which will report the student's score to your Canvas gradebook.