How do I connect a Kahoot! quiz to my Canvas course?

You will learn how to connect a Kahoot! quiz into your course in Canvas. This option will create an Assignment in your Canvas course and will  pass back the grades from the Kahoot! quiz.

Before taking the following steps, you should have already created your CSUF Kahoot! account and have already created at least one Kahoot! quiz.

1. Enter your course in Canvas.

Canvas Dashboard showing desired course

2. Click on the + sign on the Modules page.

+ sign selected on Modules page

3. Use the dropdown menu to select External Tool.

Note: Even though we are selecting External Tool, it will be converted to an Assignment.

External Tool selected

4. Scroll down to Kahoot!.

Kahoot! selected

5. Click on Log in (if prompted).

Log in button

6. Click on Continue with Microsoft (if prompted).

Continue with Microsoft selected

7. Click on your CSUF Microsoft account (if prompted).

Use your CSUF email account if this field does not auto populate with your CSUF account. Do not use your private Gmail account.

CSUF Microsoft email account selected.

8. Click on Continue (if prompted).

Continue button

9. Enter your regular CSUF Portal credentials (if prompted).

CSUF Portal login

10. Your Kahoot! account should display along with the list of your Kahoot! quizzes.

Kahoot interface.

11. Click on Add after scrolling through your list of Kahoot! quizzes.

Add button

12. Set the desired due date and time.

Note: At this time, you can only do the date about one month in advance. This information will be copied to the Canvas Assignment that this process will create. Even if you later change the due date in the Canvas Assignment, it will not change it in Kahoot. To change the due dates, you need to change them in the Assignment and in the Kahoot! quiz.

If you don't want a due date, deselect the Set a deadline tickbox. Note, however, that a due date will nevertheless be created in the Canvas Assignment which you will need to edit afterward.

Due date and time selected

13. Set the Question timer if desired.

Question Timer set to On.

14. Adjust the other settings if desired.

other settings

15. Click on Create.

Create button

16. Publish the newly created Assignment.

Note that although you started with an External Tool, you now have an Assignment.

Assignment and module published
What will the students see?

After you publish this Assignment, students will see the following.

1. The Kahoot! quiz will display in the newly created Canvas Assignment.

The student's name should be automatically pulled from the to display in the Kahoot! quiz.

Assignment with Kahoot quiz displayed

2. Students will click on the "OK, go!" button to begin the quiz.

OK, go button

3. The quiz will begin and the student will need to answer the questions within the time given.

Kahoot quiz in progress

Learn more about using Kahoot for quizzing, courses, and polls.

Article Summary

You have now learned how to connect a Kahoot quiz with your course in Canvas using External Tool.