How do I view the course Accessibility Report by Ally?

You will learn how to view the course accessibility report provided by Ally. This report should give you some idea as to how accessible your course documents, files, images, etc. are for your students. It also provides some guidance on how to improve said documents and files.

1. Enter your course in Canvas.

course home page

2. Click on Accessibility report.

The Course Navigation Menu is on the left side of your course page and includes links called Home, Announcements, Quizzes, Modules, etc. It should also include the Accessibility Report link when you create a new course or when a new course is created for you.

Follow this guide to add the Accessibility Report to your course navigation if it is not already there.

Accessibility Report link selected

3. Course accessibility score page displays.

You can now view the course-level accessibility report page where you can decide which types of documents need to be improved and read the guidance on how to improve their scores.  

course accessibility score displayed

Article Summary

You have now learned how to view the course accessibility report as provided by Ally.