How do I view my old courses in TITANium?

Alert! TITANium guide

You will learn how to find your old courses from previous academic years in TITANium.

To access TITANium from off-campus, you must be logged in via VPN. It may take a day or so to get your VPN account, so plan for that delay.

1. Go directly to the TITANium page.

Note that some of the old instances of TITANium may not be currently available. Send an email to [email protected] to request your course to be copied to Canvas or to request access to a specific year's TITANium.

TITANium launch page

2. Scroll down to the "Past TITANium Courses" section.

TITANium landing page

3. Click on the desired academic year.

Summer 2018 to Spring 2019 is selected
Did you get an error?

If you receive this error message stating that the website is down for maintenance, please send an email to [email protected] to request access to that instance of TITANium.

down of maintenance error

4. Your old Dashboard will display.

Dashboard displays
AIM #1 course is selected

6. Your old course will display.

The course main page will display.

Do you want to create a backup of your old course? Read this guide on creating a backup.

Article Summary

You have now learned how to view an old course from a previous academic year.